Instead of enjoying the 3 day weekend, I worked on creating my crafts for the upcoming craft show on June 7th (though that was fun in itself)! Though I get mad at myself for waiting until the last minute, it also seems that once I'm under the gun, I get into the creative mode and get my stuff done! Though I do have a craftroom, I end up expanding it to the dining room table in order to have several workstations as I work on different projects at the same time. This weekend, I even had the picnic table in the backyard utilized! I think I ended up running to the craft store at least 3 times this weekend, not to mention the hardware store! My poor family has to find somewhere else to eat during my production time.
I did manage to squeeze in some time to plant some tomatoes and cucumbers, but I have alot to do in order of finish my vegetable and herb garden. The weeding and flower planting will have to wait another week or two. And, for the last 3 weeks (2 times a week), I've been attending a motorcycle safety class. This week will be the last class, thankfully. May has been a very busy month for me. Once I have my craft show, I will be able to slow down a bit and garden and work on my crafts at my leisure. The summers around here come and go quickly, so I want to be able to enjoy every minute outside that I can.
Here's to a wonderful summer! The above photo is a picture of our backyard pond in full bloom!
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Thanks for reading my blog! Marni